Here’s everything you need to know about National Youth Day 2024, including its date, history, significance, and celebration.

The founder of the Ramakrishna Math, a monastic order in Kolkata based on the teachings of his guru, and the Ramakrishna Mission, a global spiritual movement based on the ancient Hindu philosophy of Vedanta, was Swami Vivekananda, the chief disciple of the 19th-century mystic and yogi Ramakrishna Paramhansa. In honor of one of the greatest philosophers and spiritual leaders, his birthday is observed nationwide as National Youth Day. It also serves as a reminder of his beliefs about how young people should engage with the modern world while maintaining their moral principles.
Though Vivekananda is most remembered for his well-known 1893 speech in which he introduced Hinduism to the West in Chicago, he is also recognized for his role in spurring nationalist consciousness and helping to revive modern Hinduism during colonial rule. While many Indian nationalist leaders who were fighting colonial rule were influenced by Swami Vivekananda’s writings and teachings, Subhas Chandra Bose referred to Vivekananda as “the maker of modern India,” and Mahatma Gandhi stated that after reading Vivekananda’s works, his love for his country multiplied tenfold. Swami Vivekananda passed away on July 4, 1902
Every year on January 12, India observes National Youth Day to honor the ideals and teachings of Swami Vivekananda, who was born in Kolkata on January 12, 1863.

Background and importance:
In 1984, it was decided to observe January 12, 1985, as National Youth Day in honor of Vivekananda’s birthday. At that time, the government declared that Swamiji’s philosophy and the values he upheld through his life and work “could be a great source of inspiration” for young people in India.
Every year, schools and colleges across India celebrate the day with a variety of events including processions, speeches, music, youth conventions, seminars, yogasanas, presentations, essay-writing competitions, recitation contests, and sports.
Every year on January 12, India celebrates National Youth Day in honor of the ideals and teachings of Swami Vivekananda, a revered philosopher and spiritual guide who was born in Kolkata on January 12, 1863. The government declared in 1984 that Swamiji’s philosophy and the ideals he lived and worked for “could be a great source of inspiration” for the youth of India, and on January 12, 1985, the nation celebrated Vivekananda’s birthday as National Youth Day.
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